The Cost of Innovation
February 21, 2025
Registration: You can register using this LINK or by scanning the QR code.
General Symposium Info:
Time/Date: The Symposium will be hosted from 8:45am to 5:30pm on February 21st, 2025. A tentative agenda of the speakers is attached for your reference.
Location: The Symposium will be hosted in the Texas Law School’s formal courtroom (TNH 2.306) and the Jamail Pavilion (TNH 2.300). Check-in will be at a table near the entrance to the Jamail Pavilion throughout the day. We will hold the actual programming of the event in the courtroom. The address of the law school is: 727 E Dean Keeton St, Austin, TX 78705. We have also attached a map of the law school to help with finding the courtroom and Jamail Pavilion.
Meals: We will be serving both breakfast (starting at 8am) and lunch (starting at 12:15pm). Please let us know if you have any food allergies and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Parking: We generally recommend taking a ride-share to the law school since parking can sometimes be difficult and parking in the nearest garage still involves a small walk. However, if you do choose to drive, we recommend one of two options. First, you can park along Dean Keeton directly in front of the law school. This is usually the recommended option since it is the shortest walk to the law school and parking is fairly inexpensive. Second, you can park in the San Jacinto parking garage (2400 San Jacinto Blvd) and walk to the law school.
Post-Event Happy Hour: A happy hour will occur at the Hotel Ella’s Parlor Bar immediately following the last presentation. We anticipate attendees will start to arrive at about 6:00pm. The address of the venue is: 1900 Rio Grande St, Austin, TX 78705.